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Nathan Fisher, 38 y.o.
Pinckneyville, United States [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Graduate degree
University of Idaho


English Instructor/Journalist


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 73.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 17, 2013
Hey Nathan ! I hope life is treating you well.
Did you make a good use of those 13th-century beggar songs? :)
inactive user
Hey! I'm glad that you like it! :)
Nice to meet you! ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 31, 2011
Why hello there. :)
What a wonderfully elegant profile you have.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2011
Though I guess you already know that, it seems that I mentioned I was from Washington state on my last comment... oops.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2011
"The thing to strive for is knowing how you want to write, and working toward that even if it's not coming out right. It may take years, but one day, with effort, it will pour."

I never thought about it that way, though that is a very good way to go about it. Writing to me is almost like putting together a puzzle. It's so satisfying once you finish, but the most interesting part is fitting it together.

I have to say, I'm really impressed by your use (usage?) of adjectives. x)

You know, I might take you up on that. I love being critiqued, it's a great help to me. My older sister is going on to get her Fine Arts in English literature, so I get a lot of it. x)

You're from Illinois? That's pretty cool. I don't know much about the place, but I hear it's a very relaxed state.

I'm from Washington State. Here we have a severe lack of culture and political parties that are about as divided as our whites and Mexicans. We are such a brilliant state, I just can't stand it.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2011
Every word on your profile is put together beautifully. I would very much like to learn the art of poetry, but as evidence shows on my own page, I have a long ways to go. :)

Hello from Washington State.
inactive user
Hi! Which translation were you looking for?

I'm good thanks how about you?
& what do you mean by "What have you been thinking about lately?"?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2011
I suppose you're an artist basically, I wish you could teach me something;)
oh, great, Poland is waiting for me this fall! I'm going on exchange there.

And you, your plans for fall, summer?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2011
you pics are awesome! I could comment every photo, but don't wanna spam you;)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2011
There is a red maple outside the window of this 'library' space of my apartment here... the leaves are so wonderful in the wind. The sound is like a thousand soft stories. Or a choir of laughter. Or the sound of a million tears on have a million cheeks.
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