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Ray, 31 y.o.
Ellensburg, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 307.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2022
Hello, hoping that you are doing well. It has been some time without communicating. Just passing by to say "hi" to you. All the best.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2018
Hi, you have been lost. It has been some years without communicating. Let me hope that you are fine and doing well. Just dropped to say hello to you. I wish you all the best.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2011
Oh yes there is most definitely a book. I definitely recommend it. David Levithan and Rachel Cohn are rather hilarious both together and apart... Levithan wrote a book called The Realm Of Possibility and you should absolutely 100000000% read it.

I haven't seen Edward Scissorhands. I know that my family got it out when I was much younger but I felt so terribly sorry for him that I couldn't watch it.

I adore that you use capital letters at the beginning of your sentences. I applaud you.

I would say that you have good music taste but I really can't stand MCR. Used to a big fan when I was 12 but I've left that stage of life. However, you like Regina Spektor, Iron and Wine and Cold Play, so your taste isn't astoundingly bad. (Although, then you have Linkin Park and that's... Well. I'm not a big fan *shrug*)
We have to have our differences I suppose :P

Books to read (suggestions):
- The Realm Of Possibility: David Levithan
- Identical: Ellen Hopkins
- LOTR: Tolkien
- I Am The Messenger: Markus Zusak
Reply - Conversation - Nov 13, 2011
Hello. You seem interesting and I would like to talk to you.
Have you READ Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist? By David Levithan and Rachel Cohn? It's rather good. I haven't seen the movie yet but I'd quite like to.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2011
[you like] Regina Spektor! awesome :)

i was only able to digest a portion of your profile, so i'll come back to other stuff later.

it's a big blessing to be asexual, you have no idea. But the persuasion towards any sexuality is a blessing.

Ya, i'm a feminist as well. "The personal is political": feminism is a learning process, i'm still growing into it.

This past summer i was in Turkey (for the 3rd time; i love it there), teaching English in Istanbul.

Emma Roberts! I finally figured it out. :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2011
you're quite the fascinating person, people are lucky to even be your acquiantance.

the profile pic looks really familiar (which is why i visited your page); i think it's a celebrity (not you), but i can't point my finger on it. :)

anyway, nice to meet you.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2011
If you feel like ever sending me some of your work, you can either message me on here or e-mail me at [email protected].

I live in the southern part of Illinois, close to the Mississippi river and the Missouri border, so it's maybe...a bit too relaxed (as in it's dry and there's nothing going on worth anything).

I have a friend who lives in Seattle, so i've always wanted to visit Washington, but have been waiting for a free moment to take a trip.

Are you interested in pursuing a degree in creative writing at all?

My adjectives get away from me sometimes; carry me places that are both confusing and wonderful. The act of description is the closest that one in the finite can get to the idea of divine speech or speaking things into being.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2011
thanx to add me to your friends
inactive user
Thank you mamas!!! So sweet :):)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2011
Thank you. It's a lifelong process; poetic development, and your craft will grow and age with different shapes and lenses the entirety of your life. The thing to strive for is knowing how you want to write, and working toward that even if it's not coming out right. It may take years, but one day, with effort, it will pour.

If you have any poems, I'm always happy to read others' work and give feedback. Feel free to send me things at any time.

Hello from Illinois. Where the wheatbacks roam. And the cities are yellow.
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