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Juhan Park, 32 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 5174.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2012
hey Juhan
long time no see !
How are you ah?

Chinese you can speak a little bit?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2012
hey, may I be your friend? well, honestly I just want to ask you some questions due to my school project, if you can, please reply me, thank you ^^
inactive user
i know ;P isn't it ridiculous?
inactive user
heyy juhan brother~~
how are you today? ㅋㅋ
inactive user
i know... :P
i hope the war between south and north korea is gonna be done soon :(
inactive user
aw that really sucks ;P
inactive user
aw is that so? ;o
are you afraid to go to the militry? T.T
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2012
Hey. It's me Anna. We participate in the competition, we need huskies. Can you help?? Please please! Will be very very grateful) *
Vote for us please!! There must choose Bad Boy-> Costume-> Date added our video as / / / / / / / / /
You can vote every day)
If you are not hard to ask friends to vote too, or put the request on the website)
inactive user
was AWESOME!!! XD really loved it!!!!!!!!!
the coolest city EVER XDDDDDD
inactive user
haha XD hopefully :)
i went to NYC last week XD
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