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Mushroom_wen, 32 y.o.
Hengchun, Taiwan [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 266.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2013
No worries! It's great to hear from you again! How are things? I've been busy myself so I completely understand! So much has been going on with me. I've done a little bit of travelling and in September ill be visiting New York :)!
How have you been? Why have you Japanese lessons been paused? Are you enjoying your study?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2012
Sorry for the late reply. So has the Typhoon gone? I hope it didn't leave too much damage & I hope everything is fine there, in Taiwan.

Are you learning Japanese now? How is it going? I hope you'll be able to find a job for the 1 month vacation. I wish I could be enjoying a noce long summer break but I can't. I have to work.

So, you want to get a motorcylce licence? How is that going? You must be careful because it is very dangerous.

I hope you are fine & I hope you are enjoying your week!
inactive user
right ㅋㅋ
Reply - Conversation - Jul 29, 2012
I'm feeling pretty drained and tired at the moment. It's been pretty warm lately, especially in the evenings so it's messed up my sleeping pattern. Today has been awful though. We've had 5 storms today so far. I hate storms :(. My boyfriend loves them so he had the window open :/. At one point, it sounded like the lightning had hit something! It was a loud crack!

Best of luck to you! I hope you'll do well in your exam! Not long now until you get your results back! Do you have any plans for your vacation? :)
inactive user
I luv him♥♥♥
inactive user
nice to meet u too Ting
I'm Sobin
inactive user

I'm a big fan of Arashi :-)
I watch their shows on the internet
inactive user

I'm a big fan of Arashi :-)
I watch their shows on the internet
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2012
Hey! Sorry for the delay. Of course I remember you! I understand if your reples are late. I recently got back from a 3 night cruise last Tuesday afternoon. I'm still super tired xD. The cruise was ok anyway. I did feel a little seasick though. We were meant to be going to Le Harve (France) and Zebrugge (Bruges, Belgium) but Le Harve was cancelled and they changed the itinerary without telling anyone to Guernsey which also ended up being cancelled due to bad weather. We only ended up going to Belgium in the end which I have already been to :/.

Other than super tired, I have been ok thanks. I just wish the weather would brighten up. It is so miserable here. The rain is ruining everything lately, it seems. Last weekend, I went to Europe's biggest airshow and I travelled quite far to go to it but it was ruined by the rain T-T.

How have you been? When is your exam? I wish you all the best! Good luck! Take Care of yourself :).
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2012
Hey! No worries, I have been busy myself anyway with work. I've also been pretty tired again but hey, I guess it's my fault for having late nights. Last night, me and my boyfriend went to see the comedian, Billy Connolly. He was hilarious XD. Do you know of him?
That's great! I love being able to meet my friends from online but I have only met one that has come over here and she was from Japan. I met my Polish friend but we did an exchange so she stayed with me for 2 weeks.
Anyway, I'm ok thanks, just a bit tired. How are you? I hope all is well?
How is university going? Are you looking forward to going back? I can understand why you want to take a long vacation. I want one to!!
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