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DSx, 38 y.o.
Groningen, Netherlands [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 67.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2015
hahahahaha you are crazy people?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2015
inactive user
hi,i am a young man of 26 years of age who would like to be friends with you.i read about your profile which is good and my hobbies are reading of story books and newspapers.
inactive user
Nope. Think I'd overload from the people, actually.
I'm love being social and with people. But not a thousand AT THE SAME TIME and I'd rather know them. Heh.
Aaaah, I love GLaDoS, though. <3

Theatre, no doubt.
I imagine doing a tv series would be a lot of fun, but nah. Kind of scared of cameras.
And I do love the stage instead. It's a whole different feeling.
inactive user
Yeah, we have tons of douchy guys and snobby chicks. Depends on where you party, though.

Aah, that's cool! Cosplay!

Hahahahah, yes. It's kind of funny. People meet me and they think it all adds up. Comics. Video games. Sure!
Then I'm all: Acting!
And they get confused.
inactive user
Although, I will also study bartending soon, probably.
inactive user
Aah, no Snes. Hm.

Awesome! Party on! Watch out for the brats.

I study acting, lol. I am artsyfartsy, apparently.
inactive user
Sweden is kind of rad, yes! Do come here!

Yeah. Uuugh. It's kind of a chore now to do it.
But I will! And beat Kefka. Hohoo.

I own a Commodore 64, SNES, N:64, Gamecube, Wii, DS and Ps2!
And one of my roomies has a Ps3 so I can use that too.
inactive user
We actually have tons of trees. I grew up in the forest. XD
Northern sweden, GO!
But I spoke to someone who's been in Den Haag and he was all:

I am actually re-playing Final Fantasy VI with my roomie recently. But right now we're at a point where we have to level all the characters we don't use. Which sucks, because it will take forever.
Think I'll devote this day to this.
inactive user
I heard it was really green too!
Not green as in puffpuffpass, but as in trees.

Aaah, I loved Banjo Kazooie when I was younger. <3
Played it all the time. .. Along with all the other games I played all the time.
But that sounds awesome! I'm sure you'll be awesome.
(I'm sorry, I'm really tired right now.)

I really like the Nyarlathotep!
I have a deviantart, but I've erased all artwork. It was full of shit.
I am one of those people that erases stuff after a certain amount of time, because then I've looked at it so much that I hate it.
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