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Katie, 31 y.o.
Naples, United States [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 13, 2010
you're welcome ;)
yes my first language is french
what do you do in life?
inactive user
haha hi, I'm Fleurian :)
nothing, you xD ?
inactive user
I am being unnecessarily harsh but I honestly feel like punching people sometimes. Not that people will be any less stupid outside of Windermere, I just hope that I'll be able to weed through them in a more effective way.

I know what I'm talking about even if you don't...
inactive user
Yay for The Empire!

Well I find a similar sort of mindset among the rurla working class with whom I'm forced to live but that's just a way of life. I'll get down south to civilisation at some point soon...

America has always struck me as a country of extreme patriotism for the sheer sake of it. It only makes sense given that you've existed for less than 300 years or something silly.

It's a weird one.
inactive user
Well we get so much of your TV it's hard to think what I want to know.

How victorious/guilty about the whole Independence thing ARE you guys? Like seriously?
inactive user

The Italians are a lovely people, for a start, unlike the Parisiens if you try to speak Italian they'll encourage you and often cheer if you slot together a sentence. Just a lovely country.

I've been to Venice twice and I have not regretted it either time. Italy used to be a lot cheaper to visit of course but it's not AWFUL now. Venice has a lot of hotels and shit but the great thing is you can't get anywhere without going over a bridge or riding in a gondola. It has a gigantic fish market and the Grand Canal with the Rialto bridge are some of the most famous scenes in Europe.

It is beautiful. When you land at the airport you have to get in a taxi to get over to the city, which is just a speedboat that goes to and from the city all day every day.

Totally brilliant.
inactive user
Nahh, keep your own - it'll make you interesting to the locals.

Paris is different from the rest of France. It's just like a different country somehow. Most of France is quite rural, quite peasant-y, and even the bigger cities don't really live up to Parisness. It's very strange. If you want la vraie France then go somewhere outside of Paris. If you want to shop, smoke in cafes and get raped, go to Paris XD
inactive user
I lived in the East End until I was about 5, now I make semi-regular trips down there to visit my aunt in Islington among other things.

I've heard Americans say that they want to go to London and Paris but it's a mistake - they're expensive, noisy, dirty, and expensive. Did I mention expensive?

I say, much better to base yourself near London but somewhere nice, and just go into the capital during the day. That way one gets a much better experience of English culture and shit XD
inactive user
Spain, Italy, France, Switzerland (for a few hours, just passing through) and various parts of the UK.
inactive user
It's a village rather than a town. Only existed for the last couple of hundred years, in any real sense.

I've never been outside of Europe.
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