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WangJin Choi, 41 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 225.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 13, 2010
Hello WangJin!
How are you doing? :) I'm just wondering, that picture in your profile picture, where was it? Is it in Japan? Do you have those machines in Korea?
I used to see it around my home country, Malaysia, I didn't know it exists in Japan as well? :D Any idea where it comes from? haha! Did you try it?
inactive user
hola estoy muy bien graciassssss!!!!
inactive user
Hello there!
Greetings from Philippines!
What's up?
inactive user
today I am not so good .. plus its raining here ..

aww i hate raining days >.>

No , I never been to asia yet , but this december finally I am going to korea and next summer - japan ^^
I grow up and I am ready to travel not only around europe but now around asia :)

haha of course polish ppl are nice to asians ;)
inactive user
hey ^^
thanks for comment me back .

How are ya ?

yeah I am interested in asian culture. especially korean & japanese ones ;)
inactive user
hey ^^ how's life in Sydney ? :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2010
Hey WangJin

Everything is going good! How you doing?^^
Ara yo! U always misses me but I don't miss u! lmao

Maybe we should meet somewhere where we both speak one same lingo... English? Since u have been to Aussie and US u won't want to go back to these 2 places again and we don't want to travel too far... I know, how about Malaysia or Singapore since they speak English there? Great idea of mine right? And if u're not nice to me, I will leave u stranded in a back alley to find ur way back to the hotel since I have been to these 2 countries heaps! kkkkkkkkk

Ani... I AM a gongju but u put the syndrome in for me! lol

I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for u that u will get ur dream job by this month! Ganbatte ne!^^
I have 1 year+ to go before I complete my seoksa and after that I might do my advance and then my CPA. As for the PHD, I really don't know yet... I might get a full time job first and then see what will happen from there with the phd.

I love samgyetang, my most fav Korean soup of the lot. Last Fri I had sizzling samgyeopsal for lunch, too bad u're not around and since u weren't I ate ur share too! lol

TTYL, have a wonderful week ahead and be good! XD
Reply - Conversation - Apr 8, 2010
Hey WangJin

I don't know whether I should go to Korea or not, I bet u'll bully me there! At least in Tokyo I can bully u since I think I speak better Japanese than u do! lol

U sure are a bad influence to me, helping me along with my gongju syndrome and now I have it bad due to u! kkk Better blame u since u're much taller than me and ur shoulders are way broader too! ;)

What sort of job did ur prof recommended to u? Why don't u give it a try? After all no harm right? U might pick it up fast and be good at it in no time.

Thank u so very much for ur well wishes and concern WangJin, it's so nice having a chingu like u!^^

TC and be good ok? ;)
inactive user
Hi!! I'm fine thanks!! Nice to meet you too!!
What do you study?
inactive user
Hi!! How are you??
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