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Twunganai, 32 y.o.
Harare, Zimbabwe [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
inactive user
how are you .I hope you are in good health condition and also successful in your life endeavors. My name is Rosely Johnson.I found your lovely profile and i decided to express my interest to be your friend . My email is ([email protected]) .I hope to read from you .Have wonderful and joyous days ahead .

([email protected])

Rosely Johnson.
inactive user
Aww, thanks!! :D
inactive user
hahahaha but you do it in the barbecue don't get, right?))))
inactive user
normally, the main thing to dress warmly)))))
inactive user
soon after two weeks will begin the autumn, and then winter, but in winter it is cold))))
inactive user
this Russian summer))))
inactive user
at the moment we have 37 degrees Celsius
inactive user
and how is it in Zimbabwe?
inactive user
Russia is amazing! this is the coolest country in the world)))
inactive user
HY Bro)
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