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Mike, 31 y.o.
Toronto, Canada [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2015
I'm sorry for this late reply! I hope you're doing well.
Honestly, it depends on what ! ;) sometimes new things are nice too!
Ahah maybe they were homesick ! so they named their new place as the old one that they leaved!
Did you ever go on the Original London? ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2015
Oh really ? Why did you say so?
I need to see it before saying something!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2015
I was intrigued! only ignoring that there was another "London" further than the one near of France!
inactive user
Haha.. I hope to improve my english.. If you need help, ask me anything you want :-)
Now I go to sleep.. in Italy is 0.30, and tomorrow i go work.. See you soon! :-)
inactive user
Tutto bene, tu? Vedo che parli un po' italiano, io non parlo molto bene inglese.. :-(
inactive user
No problem ..The important is that you've read it.. ;-)
inactive user
Hello,Ciao!! :-)
Thank you for the visit!
inactive user
Greetings from Russia ^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 11, 2014
hahaha, awesome!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 11, 2014
mmmm, I like both... but since the ex coach of Barca coaches Bayern it throw me off, but I think they're a good team. They're #1 best team in the world apparently. BUT I like Dortmund a bit more...... :D
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