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Scot Brown, 33 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 90.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2012
we believe you.. your 20 buddy lol
Happy Birthday =]
may you have an awesome year ahead of you
best wishes
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2012
heeeey!! thanks for stopping by!!

wow.. you really must love studying to be majoring and minoring in2 things each...

im going to college in kansas in august and i still dont know what to study!!!!!!

Reply - Conversation - Nov 29, 2011
This is almost a year late, but I love Tennessee (:
Reply - Conversation - Nov 5, 2011
Well that's good! =)

hahahaha me too!!! I have it on cd and play it all the time in the car! lol Book of mormon is great! and the songs are fantastic! lol

I've only acted in a couple in high school like "The Music Man", and "Once upon a Mattress", and then played in the pits for tons of other around my town. I think with pits I've done Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Wizard of Oz, My Fair Lady, Honk!, Oklahoma and a few others. So much fun!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 4, 2011
Hopefully! I'm not sure if I will, I've never really been the homesick type. I figure skype will be plenty good for talking to my momma. ;-)

hahahaha legally blonde is AMAZING. and BoM is the Book of Mormon! My friend got a live recording on broadway from one of his industry contacts and it was amazing.... omg like you don't even know. hahaha
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2011
Very cool! Right now, the plan is just a semester, but if I'm not too homesick I might stay for another semester. You?

Haha me too! Wicked was awesome, I saw it in portland. and next to normal sounds really good! I've only heard the music. Legally Blonde is by far my favorite musical haha. And I'm really in BoM right now.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2011
haha I bet I would! That's really awesome, I hope it works out well for you. And nope I'm a junior, so it's kind of my last year to take the plunge.

Ya, music department's can get really intense. When I came to my uni as a freshman I got into the top band and people were pissed! lol People make such a big deal out of stupid things. haha

Good! Musicals are the best! Have any favorites?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2011
I sure hope so! Ahh, very cool! I'd love to visit russia sometime! It's awesome.

Yup, music's my life! I originally came to my university as a clarinet performance major, but it took the fun out of music. That's funny! lol Oh man, french horn is the best! Probably the hardest brass instrument, but the most beautiful sounding! lol
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2011
Aww that's lame! Being away from home for the holidays is never fun. Nope, not yet anyways. I'm planning on studying in England next fall. Have you?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2011
hahaha maybe! :P ya, quit complaining! It get's quite cold up here too. In the winter the mountain passes get closed and so I get stuck at school and can't come home to seattle. lol
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