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Samjaxa, 34 y.o.
Jacksonville, United States [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 25.
inactive user
sure i understand.. you need to take a vacation..

get some fun..:D
inactive user
oh sure.. im anxious for the summer too...:D
no more rain no more cold..;) please!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 8, 2010
hi girl!
i'm sidi i will go to miami next summer and i have to perfect my english
can you help me ?
i hope you will answer me
have a good day
ps:you're very beautiful!
inactive user
im fine and you?
inactive user
Once upon a time there was a girl who got a check in the mail and moved to live in Jacksonville with her bestfriend Alek. She lived happily ever after. THE END!
inactive user
oh I see. is summer the season when you usually surf?
I want to surf someday. is it close to snow boarding ?
are you on vacation ?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 22, 2010
so so :)
inactive user
awsome quote.. :)
cheers from Okinawa, Japan!
inactive user
Hey Samatha ? How's surfing going ?
I don't surf but the weather was terrible this week. Rained and rained and there also was a tornado here. How about florida? sunny?
inactive user
How about one night with each of our laptops watch ps i love you them go on this site ahaha while eating icecream
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