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Crystal, 41 y.o.
Barstow, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 57.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 14, 2013
Hello Crystal, nice to meet you. I ve sent you a letter and leave a message here too as I am new here and not sure how does it work yet :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 23, 2013
Hello! How are you? Would you be interested for a new Snail Mail friend from Greece? Hope to hear from you soon. :-)
inactive user
Hello Crystal... :D what's up?...sorry for late ))) which kind of school :D I hope you find a good job with your degree.. and where do you wanna live...?..
inactive user
Hi!! how are you today?... :)) I'm in office now..and not so busy the moment.. :D yesterday was a nice day with the evening.. :D soo what do you in your life?
inactive user
Hi Crystal, nice name :)))
I'm doing great it's 1st of May soo I'm holiday from work..I can relax a bit.. :D and your day? how is going?...
Hope your is good too...hope to hear from you and become friend.. :D
see you ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2013
Hi Crystal, I'd love to be snail mail pen friends if you're still accepting requests :)
inactive user
hello :))) nice to meet you...I'm Tommy :))) how are you... :)
inactive user
gotta go to bed, nice talking to you.
hope we can talk again la'er.
have a good day
take care
inactive user
oh well, that very nice.
you should be ok finding a job here.
business make the world go around
if only I have a big company, will definitely give you a job straight away
inactive user
you won't be difficult to find a job here.
defend what sort of job you after. if it's in education should be ok
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