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Audre, 40 y.o.
Mission Viejo, United States [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 98.
inactive user
if ı want ı can have a few :D
inactive user
hey whats up?
inactive user
ı meet with someone new today on here...
inactive user
ım fine...u?
inactive user
Well I've got great plans for summer ! Im going to Oxford this summer for a language course. The course is called International Intensive, which means there is more English lessons in a day than in a normal International course. We have 6 of them per day, when the others only have 4. And in both, International and International Intensive, you study with other students around the world. Im going there with my friend and we're gonna stay there for 3 weeks. I cant wait !!!! <3__<3
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2009
Soooooooo long time no talk!!!
I'm doing well :)I'm already working at airport so little tired everyday:(
how about you???
inactive user
Hey. And thanks.
Nothing new in here, searching for a summer job, nothing else.
What about u?
Any plans for summer?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2009
heyy Audre!!!! how are you????
do you remember me?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2008
Hi, nice to meet you :)

hmmm... mainly, I was in Cambridge for three weeks, but I went to London only twice.
Cambridge was very very good place, time passes slowly...
London was a little more like Tokyo, many people, some beautiful places... I can't feel Japan when I'm in Tokyo, but I think I could feel England when I was London. Ihope so :)
inactive user
hey I have the same requests for my penpal ;) Are you still searching one ??? I really like to writte , so look on my profile and make your decision !!!! ;)
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