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Satton1019, 36 y.o.
Tokyo, Japan [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 237.
inactive user
hii sorry for replying late too. i read manga on the internet lol i dont know that many people who know what manga is lol and less people that like it as much as me . i am an anime addict lol
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2010
you don't need japanese :p?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 1, 2009
konichiwa!!!! would u like to be friends??? i see u live in Tokyo, is it really fun there??? ive always wanted to go to Tokyo!!!!
inactive user
Sorry, I know I disappeared for... well, over six months. Wow. Hadn't realized it'd been so long. Anyway, how are you? Anything new?
inactive user
Hi ^^ how are you doing ??? ;)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 29, 2009
I am finishing up at my community college and then I'll be transferring to a big university. I work at a pet store.
inactive user
Yeah, i think so too.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2009
When it comes to games and girly things I'm split half and half I suppose.
inactive user
i lovee japanese culture :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2009
Um, I have to female friends who sort of play video games. I'm the only one who's into XBOX. One plays Tetris and Nintendo DS, the other one wants to play games but she really only plays Sims on PC, since she doesn't have any consoles.
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