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Mella, 31 y.o.
Frankfurt am Main, Germany [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 177.
inactive user
hi ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2012
hello :) how are you?
inactive user
Hi Mella.

I'm fine, thanks. Just a little bit tired because i had a long day at the uni.^^
Doing nothing is always a good alternative :D

How is the life in Nurmijärvi? Is it a nice place to live there?
The name of your city sounds very funny in german. :)

I see, that you are learning german. Do you already able to speak german? ;)
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2011
You're beautiful. Just saying. x
inactive user
Nice to meet you!..;)
wow...amazing Are you serious does sun comes out even in Finland?!?!?....=O ahahahh
I'm fine!...Here there's sun almost always!..=) ahaha
inactive user
Oh you're welcome!..;)
so..How are you?!
btw I'm Luca!..=)
inactive user
Yes, very fishy. My friend took it and he is a great photographer. Here check out his work.
inactive user
u look cute
inactive user
Hi how are you ?
btw I totally love that dress on your 'room' picture tell me you bought it in some shop that's also in Belgium :D
inactive user
haha, I wish. it's just curly hair, really messed, though. nothing like your beautiful hair.
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