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Alexander, 30 y.o.

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 382.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 26, 2013
Hello I'm Korean.:)
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2012
hello, I'm Afif from Indonesia :)
inactive user
heey , woahh you do learn chinese as well . me too ! :)

why do you learn it ?
inactive user
Hey Alex, how are you doing? My name is Nadja I´m a 18 year-old girl from Germany. You seem like an interesting guy and after reading your profile I had the impression that we have a lot in common :).
inactive user
No problemo:P
Ah by the way I'm sick of rainy days... I'll never be able to live in England pfff With this, one of my future plans disappears into thin air. Bubye old fellow.
inactive user
Well as long as you don't hate the Eleventh Doctor of the series? hahaha Maybe it's because of your shirts or hair, I don't know. Anyways I was like, "....Doctor?" when I clicked your picture.
inactive user
I don't now why and I realized that you don't resemble him at all but your pictures remind me of Doctor for some reason..
inactive user
oh you too?? now that sucks..same here..>.> i have finals -.-
inactive user
hahaa thats awesome ^^ hmm im quite allright...just writing a german paper .-.
hmmm what u up 2 ?:3
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