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Alaa, 42 y.o.
Kafr ash Shaykh, Egypt [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 8, 2011
Record on the camcorder and make wishes to my brother;) on the occasion of the wedding:) I do want to let such a gift for him:) make wishes in your language:) ok? It's name is Matteusz and his future wife, Karina;) to record video and send me on email [email protected]
inactive user
hi my egyptian pal :) how's u today ? sorry for my silence.I am doin' alright here cheers and u dude ? it's been raining for one week now,think i gotta get myself a boat hehehe.How've u been lately ? How's life treatin' u ? Bests greetings from Italy to Egypt :) Diego
inactive user
I'm pleased love my emails seemed to have been lost by Interpals I haven't got some and some I sent didn't get to people.

I hadn't heard from you so I was worried

Take care Helen
inactive user
Please let me know you are ok - I worry

take care Helen
inactive user
HI Sorry been very busy havent forgotten you my friend
inactive user
Hello alaa

Life is ok here - Ryan\'s turn to be ill now - he has a tummy bug - will hopefully catch you online soon but will send email when I get a chance. Take care Helen
inactive user
Salam aloykum Alaa =) You\'re very welcome my egyptian friend =) how do u say \" how are u\" ? and \" i\'m fine\" in Arabic ? Dude,actually i only know an italian journalist who speaks ( writes and reads) your beautiful language fluently =) we love your language very much.It\'s getting chill here now,lol our weather is ****** off my friend : so warm in the morning and chill at nite.Say hello to Egypt for me and take care dude.Inshallah.Diego
inactive user
Awww thanks so much egyptian friend =) you\'ll be very very welcomed to Italy too.I\'ll be glad to show you here around dude.Turin is a very nice city.I\'d like to learn some Arabic too.I love your language.How was your day Alaa ? Say hello to beautiful Egypt,please.Inshallah.your friend,Diego
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2008
i`d like to know u
send me ur mail if u want
inactive user
Hi dude,you\'re welcome.Things are going pretty well here in Italy.How\'s life in Egypt ? Have you ever been here ? Me,I\'d love to visit Egypt sometime.Peace and greets from Italy =) Diego
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