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Laureen , 33 y.o.
Dresden, Germany [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 50.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 22, 2008
sorry lauri for da greatest late reply ever i still miss you ma friend loveya
inactive user
Aha~ I met me friend too on New Year\'s eve! We blew off some fire works too, had a great time. :D Did you get to blow off any fire works? Haha;; (It\'s a bit dangerous tho, one of our fire works didn\'t leave the ground, and we had to run away~~ :D)
inactive user
Hellow~! Long time no see ^^ I\'m doing pretty good thanks. Ah, Christmas was.. quiet, haha :D How about you? You got nice presents? Haha;; Oh, sorry I haven\'t been able to visit library car in awhile, becausre it\'s on holiday too T_T; What will you do on New year\'s eve? :D
inactive user
wie lange hastsn du normalerweise schule? ich hab zwei mal in der woche bis 17 uhr, einmal bis 16.10 uhr und zwei mal bis 13.10 (da ist in den meisten schulen meistens :) schulaus) schule. und alle zwei wochen hab ich freigegenstand astrophysik, also noch einmal anstatt 13.10 15.10 schulaus.... war in der 1. voll anstrengend , aber jetzt geht´s ganz gut. ich geh in die htl, habt ihr sowas in deutschland auch? glg vanessa
inactive user
Ohh, I see! I think exam week is quite convinient, because we have only one exam per day. So you can focus only on the exam and not think that \"I should do homework for other classes too!\" Haha ^^ I haven\'t got the book yet, because library car visits here only every other Thursday... So it\'s coming tomorrow! ^^ I\'ll loan the book then. :) How\'s the weather now in German? ^^ Its\' white here now :D So much snow came it isn\'t melting away anymore... ^^ <3
inactive user
juhuuu, schulfrei!!!!
inactive user
Ohh! That\'s very cool~! :D I decided that I\'ll make a work of one of those books you suggested to me~ ^^ Because we have another work in Finnish class now to read a book which is free choice.. :D Lot of reading... I wonder what kind of exam we\'re going to have because we haven\'t really learned anything new, just read a lot of books! ^^; Do you have exam week in your school? We\'ll have second exam week in.. 3 weeks I think... 3 and a ½ weeks ! phew;;
inactive user
Huhu. :) Ne, hab jetzt schon die zweite Woche Schule wieder - bin trotzdem schon wieder reif für die Insel. :D
inactive user
Ohh! Love stories between vampire and human? I have to read those! :D You know, I\'m a big fan of vampires~ ^^ All that supernatural stuff is really really interesting. :) Do you think so too? Haa, if you go to New Zealand! That\'s near Australia, right? ^^ Yeah, it has some really awesome nature... My cousin lived in Australia for a year and showed me some awesome pictures from there. That was when I decided I want to go there too. ^^ But yeah, Tokio is also a must! :D
inactive user
halloooo, wie geht´s? wo is´n kröslin? mags
nicht auf der karte anschaun! muss mich
zamreißen, dass ich mehr oder weniger hochdeutsch
schreibe, oder verstehst du kärnterisch? haha,
nächstes jahr spielt deutschland gegen
österreich fußball! ist eh schon ziemlich klar,
wer gewinnen wird, freu mich aber trotzdem
schon.... kennst die wilden kerle? weißt du, wann der fünfte teil rauskommt? kennst du das lied vom jimi blue? irgentwie voll der ohrwurm....
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