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Yves, 37 y.o.
Füllinsdorf, Switzerland [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 98.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2014
I sent you a letter finally! :D
I am soooo sorry :( I know it took so long ! :o
inactive user
I really love making pies the most but definitely would say my best recipe is a strawberry cheesecake (:
inactive user
I have somehow seen myself in your description of life! Go on like this! The life has so much more to offer than just what we see right in front of us!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 22, 2013
Thanks, Yves!
inactive user
Thank you for the wall post! The owner of the site I was writing articles for has started another website (busy man!) requiring articles which will be much less time-consuming 'execution-wise' but which still require fantastic, bizarre and obscure subject matter (and still paid for): this is PERFECT for me!! So I will now be dividing my time between writing what I am most passionate about (which is the manuscripts you are so keen to read!) AND writing for this new website (I will post you links once he has put up some of my articles).. Oh and also replying to emails and snail-mail letters hehe WHY is there not more hours in the day gaaaaaaah!!! Be patient for the manuscripts, I am obsessive in my love for details and accuracy, I will email you chapter-by-chapter when I am SURE that each one is completed to my satisfaction (!!) but you *will* need to have a strong stomach, they are pretty graphic (!) just a warning cause I really don't want to freak you out haha. You have an awesome day also, and say hello to Lara for me! :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 29, 2013
Hello :) i love your hobbies
nice to meet you :D
inactive user
haha at your status, that is so funny! My ex had a pet rat called Chaos, he was white with red eyes. Chaos was allowed to go wherever he wanted in the house, but his favorite place to rest was on top of the speakers when they were blasting out death metal so loud that the room vibrated. Chaos and your kittens might have been good friends :)
inactive user
wow just finished the most amazing episode of Deadwood ever, not to mention an amazing hot chokky :) r. omg I am soooo jealous of you getting to stride through rainy autumn woods! and I wish I could just throw away like 98% of my worldly possessions, one day I will, when I can finally take the time to sort through them. I used to live out of a suitcase and that was probably the best time of my life, but of course that isn't quite practical with two little ones. Anyway, have an amazing three days off! and thank you for your email, I am still working through my reply to Lara (tell her I haven't forgotten her!) but am looking forward to replying to your email also. Say hello to Lara for me if you get the chance. I am off to bed now, lovely to talk to you! xx
inactive user
dude marshmallows are awesome haha I love how they are so squishy like little chemical clouds!! I am going to watch an episode of Deadwood while I drink my hot chocolate with my awesome marshmallows melted on top yummy. I hardly ever have this kind of crap so it's a special treat :) :)
inactive user
hello :) I am good thank you. It's only 8.30pm and already I am sooo tired, I think it might be hot chocolate and marshmallow time mehehe , how are you?
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