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Julie601, 87 y.o.
Skokie, United States [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 15.
inactive user
Hello My Lovely Friend, How are you today. My name is sam, I saw your profile and i like it. I will be interested to know you better. I am very serious about you. Remember, the distance, age or color does not matter I am waiting for your reply
WhatSApp +1(585)542-8103 is online [email protected]
inactive user
Salaam Julie, I enjoyed reading all about you here. You seem like a nice woman and I'll be glad to have you as a Penpal or Penfriend whatever, and also learn more of your language and country. Thanks
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2016
Where are you Julie?
I read a wonderful profile and I see that you were last online 3 years ago.
I hope you'll back.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2012
HI Julie my Email is: [email protected]
Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2012
Hi i like sharing ideas with friends i hope you can be my friend
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2012
It is pretty nice to see female pen friends from this nice site.. I would like to have female pen friend from all over the world just to share ideas, culture, language, life experience if you don't mind we can go through and share more "Sharing is caring"

Wish you all the best
May this new year brings you "Love , Health ,peace, joy, and wealth
inactive user
Hello im stephanie. How are you. Out of curiosity what is pop literature
inactive user
Hi julie601, I like your spirit. You seem like a gusty gal, full of life and enthusiasm. Writing is fun. Currently, I am into short fiction and transformation articles. How do you like Shakespear?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2011
Greetings from the Philippines...
Mabuhay...Long live Ma'am Julie..
Reply - Conversation - Dec 7, 2010
I wonder perhaps if I am not really smart enough for you. It has been my experience that most pen pal relationships start off with mundane conversations and then, as people get to know each other better, the conversations get more involved. I'm really a simple woman. I am a factory worker and most of my own conversations are with people who do not speak English well at all. It is my hobby on my days off to help my friends with their English. I just now got a call from my Viet friend Tram to tell me that she has just passed her Citizenship Test. We have been cramming for that, and I was at her house for three hours last night studying with her.
I don't know how to describe it to you, but a lot of these people are women with no family around. All their friends and family members here are in reality their Husbands' friends and family. They are frequently very lonely, especially if their lives aren't going so well over here. Somehow, even though there is a language barrier, I get home and realize that we have had long, heartfelt conversations and I don't even remember what language we used or what we said. I just remember what we communicated to each other, but anyone going by and overhearing our conversation would have thought it was pretty mundane and possibly amusing, what with the hand gestures and drawing of pictures we sometimes have to use. That is my life.
Chagoot Gardner [email protected]
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