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Millworker, 75 y.o.
Manchester, United States [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 3 of 3.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2010
Great! I look forward to hearing from you.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 28, 2010
The Sting happens to be my favorite movie. Sure, I'm open to corresponding although I prefer email to snail mail but if that's not doable for you I will do snail mail. You should know that I am not interested in talking about the weather or some such mundane subject. I look for and appreciate views that are thoughtful from someone who appreciates intelligence and creativity. And, yes, I do like Kletzmer music. My email is: [email protected] OR [email protected]. You must have a better name than Millworker. What is it?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2009
Stop by and say hello when you get a chance.
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