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Jeison, 32 y.o.
Pamplona, Colombia [Current City]



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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 11 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 16, 2014
Bueno depende de cada persona por supuesto pero si, yo diria que se nota mucho la diferencia, no se mucha gente parece muy positiva y como tu has dicho mas amable y asi, como que transmiten una energia especial o algo.
Y sobre mi: Pues yo ya llevo 7 años mas o menos aprendiendo espanol y la verdad es que yo fui aprendiendo de una manera muy espontanea, escuchando musica y la gente en telenovelas (es que aqui se emiten muchas telenovelas y cuando era menor las veia bastante jajaj) asi que cuando empece con clases de espanol en la secundaria ya sabia hablar bastante bien pero es cierto que eso me ayudo mucho y pues creo que esto fue una combinacion perfecta. Tambien estuve en Espana una vez y me encanto y pues ahora uno de mis sueños es vivir o pasar un tiempo mas largo alli y en Latinoamerica tambien y ojala que se haga realidad esto
inactive user
I already had my winter vacation. I went to visit my family who live 6 hours away from me. I drive there (:
In the summer I will go to Arizona to see mi abuelita (:
inactive user
Wow! Te gusta muchas cosas!! (:
My oh have a fun life! Going to the movies are very fun (:
Traveling is also something I like to do.
Where have you traveled to?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2014
Por cierto, la base de tu recomendación, suena como que debería empezar mis viajes en Venezuela, jaja
inactive user
Is language difficult for you? I think Spanish is little hard but easy with practice (:
What do I like to do??
I like to draw, paint, listen to music. You?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2014
In my opinion, Estadounidenses, while great people, on *avcerage* lack an understanding of other cultures. It is difficult for them to truly believe that people in other countries don't necessarily think the same way, or have slightly different values or goals. They are really nice people, though, and you just have to work around this particular attribute :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2014
I will answer your question in English, because 1) I am afraid to say it wrong in Spanish and 2) you are learning English, too:

Not all gringos understand that gringo is not a bad word :) I do, but some people freak out at being "collectively" called anything.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15, 2014
Ambas, especialmente las áreas de América del Sur que son menos turísticas
inactive user
I can understand what your are saying but I have to reply to you in English. Here in America, we start learning Spanish in elementary school. I have been learning Spanish since 5th grade. We don't learn a lot but enough to carry a conversation. (:
I think any Hispanic should be treated equal to citizens here. I hate when people discriminate Hispanic people for their race. Here where I live we have many Spanish people and they are good people and good friends to me (:
inactive user
Sí estudio en colegio ahora! Estudiando arte. Tengo clases de dibujo, matemáticas, computadoras, y human sexualities. No me gusta matemáticas): mis vacaciones terminó la semana pasada.
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