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Jen, 33 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 183.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 20, 2010
Hey, i love your profile. Sucked me in :P
I would like to say that I love your views on different things.
The fact that you still look at others different religious beliefs is a good skill to have. I personally dont class my self as a certain religion, but i understand when some of my friends are religious. I think its more about understanding the differences in the world and that they're always going to be there.

I may have missed it above but what are you studing in college? And have you gone to Cambridge?

I hope that we can continue talking as i think we have things in common.
Lauren :)
inactive user
Thanks for viewing my profile :) add my skype/msn if you have them :) the addys are on my profile :)
inactive user
hey thx for visiting my profile and nice pictures :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2010
heeey :D
read your profile and decided to say hey lol haha.
i like your musical taste! love panic at the disco and 3OH3! :)
im so addicted to 3oh3's music "touching on my" lol . i listen to it all the time these days haha.
sooo, how's you today? :)
inactive user
love ur hair!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2010
Hey, I'm Loz, I'm 16 from Australia. I'm pretty new to this, I only made my profile this morning haha. You sound pretty cool though, it's nice to know there are people on here who are genuine, not just 50 year old perverts! Haha :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 12, 2010
Hey) Italy is's where I am from:) maybe I could help you??? Well take care:$)
inactive user
Yea, I visited Chicago as well, I know what you mean :)

Yea they were nice places but I don't think I'll be going again anytime soon unfortunately :D
I like 'old fart' holidays :D It means I don't have to pay anything!

We have about 15 to 20 cms of lying snow but it's slowly starting to thaw now, after 4 weeks of lying on the ground!
I can't say I've constructed anything inappropriate but it would have been fun you're right! I didn't have the imagination obviously, damn!
But no it wouldn't scare me off, it would make you sound crazy and fun!
inactive user
I love that spiffy stereotypical accent :D

I enjoyed Florida, but I found it so flat. I preferred Colorado and San Francisco :D

I would love to go snow shoeing. It would be perfect here at the moment, especially on the hills, but nobody has snow shoes, cos it rarely ever snows here!
inactive user
I think I have a better "About Me" for you:

"Sup dawg, the name's J-Go. I'm frum tha hood, yo!
Hatas best get ta steppin, cuz I ain't ascared ta curb stomp y'all.

Yo, I be in2 bookz an shizzit!
My vokab is tha bomb diggity!
Y'all can't act like I can so dun even try it.

I like kittens and chiaroscuro, dat a problum??
Fo reel now, I be marchin to da beat of a different drum. Atheism an liberallism are my thangs, ya know????

J-Go, out."

I think it suits you quite well, actually. What with you being a gangster and all.
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