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Insun, 33 y.o.
Chuncheon, South Korea [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1504.
inactive user
Happy Birthday!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 6, 2011
haha I haven't been on pal for a long time too.
so i'm glad to hear from u
i'm now studyding spanish
ohhhhhh,so difficult.
i almost forget how to say english.
any way
wish u goog luck^_^
inactive user
I am deleting old messages and saw one from you back in 2008! It has been a long time. Ha ha ha.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2010
Oh no. It's been SO long.
Sorry for not writing back.
I moved and I don't have a computer anymore.
What is new with you?

For me, nothing.
I'm just going to school and trying to find a job:/
Wish me luck with that.
I really need a job to buy a car!!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2010
in suuun~ 오랜만이다~
잘 지네?
inactive user
hi~ long time no see indeed!
I've been good :D How about you? ^^

It's ok. I've been really busy with work so I couldn't online too >.<

I just woke up hehe how about you? :) For how long does your holiday last?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2010
That's great.
SORRY for my late reply too.
Lol I also want to visit Busan!

I am working now, that's new!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2010
that's ok, I'm very late too >.<
I've been too lazy these last weeks >.>

Busan? was it nice?? :D

it's a lingerie store :P I sell bras, panties and pajamas xD

ohhh I like to go to the library!! :P and the book store too :P xD

for me? ummm... I work and I try to see friends as much as I can!! :P
and I'm alone at home because my mother is at our summer house and I have to stay in the city because I work >.< but now, she's back for a few days! I'm happy! :)
oh and next weekend, it's gonna be otakuthon, a festival about Japan!! :D can't wait to go there with my friends!! :D

what about you?? ^^
inactive user
sorry for late reply and its ok!
Here so hot now that moste days I stay at home.
But tmw I'll go to lake with friends!Nyaaa
And in Sept I and my friend will go to Anime fest to other city. But OMG I dont have lens wich I so need!T_T
Reply - Conversation - Aug 4, 2010
no problem
ah you went to the beaches??
thank you.
I went to a restaurant with my friends
^^~ and went to a concert too.

i will go to the museum with my friends tomorrow
so much fun and yesterday i went to the movies ^^~
with my korean friend ^^~
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