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왕캐빈 Kevin, 35 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 358.
inactive user
lol thats great. what is ur major in college? I am going to start college in september:) i cant wait:D I also volunteer at the hospital right now which is pretty fun but other then that i havent done much. Isnt school almost done for the summer? what are ur plans for the summer?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2011
thats good to hear!(: Thats awesome what part do you go to?
Its alright it gets borin at times since theres not much to do here ha.
yes i must agree i love the mexican food:D!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2011
oh really ha:p im doing good thanks hw about yourself?
Im Heather Nicole btw(:
inactive user
Hey lol yea i know i havent seen you online how have you been? Are you still in america?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2011
안녕하세요 ㅋㅋ
inactive user
hiii how are you? longg time since we last talked lol how have you been? are you still going to uni? hope everythings fine
talk to you soon
inactive user
apartment.. lol there's no dorm at the college i'll be going. heh where's ALHAMBRA? it sounds like a arabic underwears line.
inactive user
oh thats kool have you finished university already?
i am good just on summer vacation right now:)
going to vegas n august cant wait:D
inactive user
lolol haha i heard that GYOPOS are not very nice. but there are some very bad n crazy people in korea too. maybe you just havnt met them. lol anyways where about in LA do u live?
inactive user
Well life here is pretty much like anywhere else I guess the only thing that really sets my city apart is maybe that there isn't that much of diversity so there isn't too much racial tension... Kind of random I know but you asked lol. So what about you?
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