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Mary francis domingo, 42 y.o.
Pawing, Philippines [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
Reply - Conversation - May 31, 2013
tommorrow is another day!!!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2012
hi,everyone its been a long time since i last online hope i have a chance to talk on sum1....!!!!:)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2011
Awww....thanks alot! It´s great to have a friend in the Philippines! I´ve seen your pictures too. It looks really nice where you live.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2011
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2011
No problem. I´ll try to find you on facebook because I don´t have a yahoo account. My daughter is 3 month old. It´s nice to talk to people from the other end of the world. :)
inactive user
Ah! I see. haha, yea...I'm like other side of the world...
Yea...I'll add you when I'm back at home :)
Right, now I go back to work :)
inactive user
Thanks for you reply! It's really nice to hear from you. Yea, I'm fine too. A bit sleepy. haha, I woke up at 5:30am and now I'm at work.
Yea, it would be great to know each other better, it's always nice to make a new friends. So, how's your week been so far? Any special plans for the weekend?
inactive user
Hi there!
I'm Jonna from Finland and I like to make a new friends around the world!
How's your week been so far? Fine, I hope.
I hope to hear from you soon,
Greetings from cold Finland
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2011
Yes that would be great. Hope you had a nice day.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2011
bye everyone time to do my daily chores...
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