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Dina, 31 y.o.
Malang, Indonesia [Current City]

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Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
Reply - Conversation - May 19, 2014
Sorry, for replying so late Awww
Your welcome !
lovely neighbor country :DDD
inactive user
aww no problem :) I understand college can be like that sometimes. when I was in college... hmmm well to be honest I wasn't that busy lol as I wasn't a good student hehe this year on April I'm going to Tachai and Similan islands I will let you know if these 2 islands are better than Phayam or still no place can beat it lol I'm really looking for it :))
inactive user
I hope too Dina..^^
Reply - Conversation - Jan 24, 2014
nice to meet you too^^
Reply - Conversation - Jan 24, 2014
hi dina :) nice to meet you
inactive user
It great!! i should read it.
Im Kik from Thailand. Nice to meet Dina.
inactive user
I never heaard of Bunaken or Raja Amat before but I'm surely going to google it. :D thanks for suggestion Dina ! if the Raja Amat is more beautiful than bali then why so many people go there? I dont understand lol and by the way, if you came here you better go to phayam island. don't go to phi phi island it's just not that beautiful ;) and yes you can add me, no problem :D
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2014
thanks and nice to meet you too :)
inactive user
Yes it's call Batam, now I remember :D it was lame cause I only had a couple days to travel around the city so that all I went. hehe I'm thinking about Bali a lot but it seems like it needs a big money lol so I'm still planing a budget for the trip. :)
inactive user
aww Hi Dina. it's chonn here. nice to meet you. actually my real name is chonthicha so you can call me chonn or thicha whatever you know. and you know whatttt I went to indonesia couple month ago and it was COOL. I didn't mamber the city name but the city's close to singapore the most cause I went to your country by the cruise there. :DD
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