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Huangzehong, 39 y.o.
Hangzhou, China [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 256.
inactive user
I liked all of your pictures.
inactive user
No but i went to other cities like beijing =) guess what, i've been to China for 8 times lol
inactive user
How are you =) Hangzhou is a beautiful city, i'd like to go there someday!
Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2012
Good luck for you then :)
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2012
No, I was graduated from my university last year. I am going to continue my study at China. And I am applying Chinese Government Scholarship this year, still waiting for the result this June. How about you?
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2012
Yep,, I know your name from your profile :p
I have chinese name too from my laoshi.. Nice to meet you..
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2012
Hello Huangzehong.
I am Mita from Indonesia..
Nice to meet you.
Anyway, nice picture there..
inactive user
Your Pics are so nice, haha. C:
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2012
You are all day conected :O
inactive user
yeah I used to live in hong kong when I was younger but that was a long time ago. have you been to hong kong? you probably have x)
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