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Charlotte, 26 y.o.
Doncaster, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 128.
inactive user
you ignoring me??
inactive user
:) xx
inactive user
You're welcome. (: x Don't be scared. If she doesn't accept you for you then she can go somewhere haha. Anytime hun! xxx
inactive user
hi you are so cool! hope to be your friends^^
inactive user
Oh. :0 Well she should be understanding of your sexuality! It's her duty as a mum to love you no matter what. Just speak out. (: If you feel it's right. xx
inactive user
Awh, would you like to talk about it? :0 :) xx
inactive user
Yeah, I'm good thanks. ^^
You alright? c:
How are you?
inactive user
Haii. (:
inactive user
thats cool, x
inactive user
haha, sorry... you know louis tomlinson? he was born in doncaster. but, yeah.. sorryy
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