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Bumaye, 33 y.o.
Bremen, Germany [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 25.
inactive user
hahaha yeah chibi has same meaning of chiisai xDD
How did you know that word xD?
inactive user
hahaha not at all xD
chiisai means small :)
inactive user
hahaha no no no xD it's just chiiiiiiiisai xDD lol
inactive user
haha you know I'm small like 158cm xDD
inactive user
ah, hallo !! wei gehts ?

inactive user
wow that's really tall xDD I'm jealous! lol
Danke sehr for your list:) it helps me lots:):)
inactive user
haha yeah I wonder how tall you are xD
thanks for your offer:) if you want to learn some Japanese just let me know:)
oh I see xD
inactive user
you know my size? only 23.5 cm xDD compared with your size, mine is soo small xD haha
haha yeah but really wish I could speak German like you xDD
what is that?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2012
inactive user
omg 45!? maybe it's German size, right xD?
thanks:)I'm glad to hear that!
haha yeah I bet your German is x100 better than mine xD lol
I'm not bad, you?
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