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Amrit, 36 y.o.
Meerut, India [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 275.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2016
Hello, Amrit! I'm very glad to hear you! Thank you very much! I hope you have some time to enjoy of Chine. Write to me when you return.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2016
Hello, Amrit! I'm very glad to hear you! Thank you very much! I hope you have some time to enjoy of Chine. Write to me when you return.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2016
Hello, Amrit! I'm very glad to hear you! Thank you very much! I hope you have some time to enjoy of Chine. Write to me when you return.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2015
Helloooo!!! You're off gallivanting the world again! Woo hoo! Get the translation app in your phone! (wake up and smell the technology! :p)
Japan!! They have Disney world there! You get watch the parades with your binoculars! ... Yes, i'm in school, while you're off exploring! Kids are getting more giggly by the year! Well, I haves some fun (hopefully) weddings coming up...Working 15 hours you deserve the biggest chocolate shake ever!..But olives will do (hey, they are healthier!) ... Enjoy yourself!! Work hard but don't stress out! Ooh, Japan..! Buy a kimono! Wait...there is a guy kimono, too, right? Well, you'll find out soon! :) B-bye!
inactive user
hey have a nice day
Reply - Conversation - Jan 1, 2015
I would say "in". :)
No worries.
inactive user
Yeah, can read and write in Hindi and Punjabi. Been trying to learn to read and write Urdu for ages, but I keep getting bored.

I never hear anything about Indian politics over here (aside from the corruption corruption corruption everything is corrupt bit).
inactive user
first i'm hearing about it. what did he do? i don't really pay attention to the news
inactive user
not a chance. i'll drink em well after all the teeth have fallen out of my head.

hardly ever drive up here in the city. either take the subway or just walk everywhere.

tu suna, kya khabar hai?
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