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Sam, 44 y.o.
Karachi, Pakistan [Current City]

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Joined 21 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 440.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 14, 2024
Hello, thank you. I enjoyed reading your quotes as well. 😊
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Mar 16, 2021
Hi hello can we be friends
inactive user
I totally agree!
Those series have a different feel and I find a lot of series from back then to be more intelligent, compared to some of the mindless drivel that is shown on TV these days. Don't get me wrong, there are some good programs broadcasted now, but, I do feel that TV in general is being dumbed down. That's why I mostly watch stuff on streaming services such as Netflix etc.

Aw I am glad that you had a nice New Year! Fireworks always bring happiness don't they. I just automatically smile and feel a tinge of excitement every time I see fireworks in the sky. :)

How is the virus situation in Pakistan?
inactive user
Yes, I adore Agatha Christie and I love other authors who wrote stories that are similar to the ones she produced.
I had a nice new year thanks, it was quiet because of lockdown, due to Covid-19. Still it was good and relaxing.
I hope that you had a lovely New Year too :D
inactive user
Warm Greetings to you from Ireland.
You have a great profile and sound like a very interesting person.
inactive user
Thank you too!! Love your profile :)
inactive user
Of course, your food is famous! I need to get over there soon
inactive user
I would love to. You guys do have the best food ever!
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