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Evans Korir, 36 y.o.
Nakuru, Kenya [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 212.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2012
Oh. Haha. No I didn't realize. Oh well. But no I live in the south. And it doesn't get very cold well it does to me buys that's becaus I'm use to the heat. And it doesn't snow. Like mate once every 5 years. And it's old time fairytale like and the different part are all different for any person. The culture and the many different foods. And it's weird but I like how it's not always sunny but cloudy. It's just not the US
Reply - Conversation - Aug 16, 2012
Cause I just love the place. Though I haven't been. It's just some new and fascinating. And really I could tell you why, I wouldn't be a real want.
inactive user
Haha welll back when I was in highschool, nobody really bullied anyone we all kept to ourselves and got along pretty much.
And yeah, our college takes up to four years! But i'm sure it'll go by fast :p And as for vacation, I just took a short trip up to the mountains . There was a lot of snow which is pretty cool.
inactive user
Yeah haha i'm a bit of a nerd when it came to science XD
well I am on vacation right now, I will be going back to school in about 2 more weeks.
What does 'green monos' mean?
In spanish it means green dolls XD haha
inactive user
Hi! Well I am studying clinical science right now in college, but it's my first year so I still have a long way to go :p
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2011
Really they just cuddle and always want attention. Mia took to me right away. She was so cute, but Eros hid in my mothers Closet the first few days. Mia would only sleep with me the first few days so I guess thy have their favorites.
inactive user
thigns are going great thank you haha thanks how are u wiz
inactive user
inactive user
Hey man, sorry for my delay in answering. haha yeah that would be really helpful to have an amazing to where school was a breeze. But then again, I've read studies that saying being that smart sucks because everyone and everything seems so stupid to you..haha Well I guess I have moved quite a bit since graduating! I lived at the beach, then at the north of USA then Austria then Slovakia then visited UK, Germany, Switzerland, Amsterdam and now i'm living here: in Salt Lake City! this is permanent, I'm done moving haha I love life here so far, there's such a nice standard of living here man! How's life there? and it wasn't age, just it was too late in season to get a work permit, they were all given up. major planning error on my part :/ and no, don't apologize, I understood man! haha
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2011
Hello. His name is Eros, but the other is Mia. Thank you for the compliment. :)
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