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Silvia, 36 y.o.
Milan, Italy [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 19 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 151.
inactive user
how are you
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2009
Hello Silvia!
Very joyful photo)
inactive user
Heyyyy :)

I would love to do snail mail with you if you are interested? :)

inactive user
Ciao!!! Come stai? è un piacere conoscerti!! ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 17, 2008
ciao!!!!!tutto ok?che fai di bello?io sn in ufficio..una noia!!!!ma sai che abbiamo tantissime cose in comune..bacio
inactive user
That’s nice!^^ I also have a boyfriend :-D he is half Italian you know :-) I understand. It’s upsetting when the holidays are finished but don’t worry. You still have the weekend :-P
inactive user
Hello! Well, something happened that really upset me but I’d rather not talk about it anymore… I just want to forget it. Yeah, I feel better today :-) how are you doing? Yeah, holidays are finished now! did you enjoy it? It seems that you’ve had a great time. I love parties! :-D Happy New Year to you too! by the way, you have a boyfriend? Cool! What is he like?^^
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2008
Yes I COMPLETELY agree, the best pizza was in Ischia! haha Soo goo!d! I loveeee Italian food! :D I rememeber in Naples there were like.. No driving rules! Everyone just drove! Hahaa it was quite scary in the taxi! But everyone in Italy were really good drivers. In Ischia with all the narrow streets, I remember the taxis would go soo fast and we were like an inch from the wall! It was reallly funny for us cause we\'re not used to that ! lol
I want to go back to Italy.
Where in the USA do you want to go?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2008
haha thanks:D just now. i washed the dishes because of my mom. haha i wahsed the dishes totally qiuckly. haha
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2008
haha i also envy you! i really want to have a dog. when i was young, i had a dog. but my dad has a alergy, so after that, i can\'t have a dog........
haha it\'s a sad story...right?haha
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