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Jessie, 32 y.o.
Detroit, United States [Current City]



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Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 412.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 8, 2009
hey jessss how do u do!!
Sorry if i didn't answer u before but i was really busy and like u say "i'm happiest when i'm busy!!"XDXD
So u like italia...yeah italy is really a beautifull country but it's nothing compared to american states and particullary united states...i really love northamerican states such as washington where i suppose they filmed the twilight first movie and i think they'r going to film a part of the second one here in italy!!
But for me America is the centre of the life where u can do all that u want, don't u?^^
OK now i 've to go but i hope to talk to u as soon as possible ...

sorry for my english, i knoew it's not that well!^^' byeeeee
inactive user
hi jessie
i'm kieran
its nice to meet you
how are you?
inactive user
WOW long message i like it lol. keep it up :) and HEy its been awhile. ive been pretty busy too i had finals like all this week it waws horrible i had to study so much!!!!
AWWW snow j'aime le snow lol. did you make like snow balls and throw them at people that would be so fun!!! lucky!!!!!!
damn wow was it your firsttime driving or somwthing?

well my plans are to go to my uncles house were all of our family reunites and has like big partyes and stuff so fun i love it !!!! then on the on we go to my other family so its prety fun wbu?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2008
Hi Hello~~
inactive user
hey !!
yep im pretty good, too thanks:P
hows your week going?
inactive user
Yea them rules are pretty stricked, Oh yea you are awake sometimes sometime you just want to go to sleep :)

Cool cool, yea borin boring boring, lol most girls do that they just go just to hang out with friends lol its an exuse to leave the hosue right :P

nope of course i dont belive in Evolution , those scientist believe we evolved from monkeys, do you believe that? are you a monkey? hahaha, and other things tooo. they say we first evolved from an organisim in the ocean lol. have you heard of the Morpheus? the planet that might also had made Earth?

What you mean rode the bus? like the school bus? i use to go on the bus when i was little then i started to drive and no more bus lol. hahahah your too funny. wait why were you going to procrastinate?
inactive user
Hey hey :D
how re u ??
inactive user
aite aite im down, i was running out of words to say haha jk!

what how can you like that stroke, my coach force to me do it in the meets all the time and i got DQ all the time because i couldnt get my feet right if i would of got it right i would of WON lol.
when i swam at my highschool, we starting swimming at 5 in the morning aww man that sucked so bad lol.

its cool, your American of course your reaction would be american football haha im American too but nver watch American football i just think its really boring no offense if you watach it. to many breaks i think not enougth moves lol tricks you know.
Yea i wish it was as big as it is in Europe and when play as good as them lol.

really bowl in leagues sounds great. OOO okay i know what you mean about LUCY the MONKEY OR what ever it its lol. i dont belive in evelotion its just FAKE! Its all theories like the BIG BANG THEORY how the earth was form haha LMAO,
GOD made the world it says so in the BIble :)

hmmm today i worked out in the gym and when to my class thats is wbu?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2008
yeah, that's what everybody says.. but idk... i just dont like it hahaha
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2008
i never liked it hahaha

it was scary when i was a kid hahaha

and i still havent seen it complete haha
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