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Sami, 27 y.o.
Mahopac, United States [Current City]

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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 81.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 1, 2017
Yeah same with my place no one can book the same day off as someone else,
I will eat anything and everything like if I'm that hungry I even eat things I hate xD but I tried Root beer and Ramune the other day I love them both *_* also tried white fudge pretzels I found in the American section of a store I go too! sad no one ever told me about those :'( got to find somewhere that sells Korean food maybe Amazon? :o
Yay thank you! I will need help since I suck at anything outside of computers and gaming,
That's awesome I suck so much as like I want to get better but I'm a sucky tank unless I'm Roadhog X)
with me as Reaper though I just use the sitting emote in a corner away from my team while they fight and then soon as i'm ready I get up and attack their team from behind XD
Thank youuu I can finally get more songs to listen to on my walks XD
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2017
See with me its different I have to book the day off months in advanced which I will do soon as I see the manager that sorts those things out, I really want to go to comic con events in America! plus try food that I've not tried before which people at my work hate me for I eat a ton and never gain the weight XD
See October is when I'm planning on cosplaying but got to get everything for Reaper since I don't want it to look cheap which means I gotta make it myself (save me please I'm going to be terrible making it) I think the easiest parts would be getting the mask and guns the coat and stuff looks terrible brought :(
Edgelord? I gotta start calling him that XD I usually call him Tank destroyer since when I play him my friend knows how quickly I used to deal with tanks B)
See I like trying everything from food to music to games xD otherwise how will you know what you like and don't like? :D but recommend anything I will always give it a shot :D
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2017
I'm trying to give my manager the hint I want the day off for Comic con in London in October but I am jealous since I already know Comic con in America is instantly better :( I've been going to London Comic con for 6 years and it's taken me that long just to get confidence to ask people for photos XD Yeah a lot of people liked that picture on Facebook then soon as I upload the one with the 2 Soldiers, Reaper and McCree it barely gets any likes so I think its the girl they like not actually me X)
I sadly didn't cosplay since I was in kinda of a panic since I was like 'Oh I brought Saturday's ticket I'm fine' but soon as I was about to print it off I noticed it was a Sunday ticket X) so I then had to go out and buy a Saturday one before they sold out so didn't get time to get a Cosplay :( BUT October I will try decide on a cosplay maybe Reaper or as I like to call him tank destroyer :D and do proud! I've not heard any k-pop songs what would you recommend for someone who hasn't heard of any? :o
Reply - Conversation - May 28, 2017
I was at comic con yesterday and I saw I would say 12? people dressed as Rick walking around together yelling wubba lubba dub dub so that was fun! XD
Pfft who wants to be normal anyways but the sad thing is there was a stand there that sold Japanese music and I didn't know what song they were playing and I was to lazy to ask but I wanted to know the song one of the few regrets I have from yesterday :D
Reply - Conversation - May 27, 2017
Hey! I just thought I'll let you know I read through your profile and you seem pretty awesome! :D
I saw you have Rick and Morty on your Favourite TV Shows and I like your choice, people at my work kinda think I'm strange since I tend to say wubba lubba dub dub randomly but hey who wants to be normal, am I right? :D
inactive user
Wow so very cute ! grettings form Peru :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2016
BTS <3
inactive user
Hello :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 3, 2016
Liked you. I can speak Portuguese, maybe you do not help me in English?
inactive user
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