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Klara, 35 y.o.
Rostock, Germany [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 53.
inactive user
Have you played megaman series or pokemon sapphire ?
inactive user
Oh good looking! Hi there. You ok? Don't worry, no flirt haha. I'd like to chit chat with you but I'm not Japanese so I can forget it ;)??
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2011
Where did you go???? D=
inactive user
its been like 12 years already lol but i still have pics!xD
im moving out soon again and pics are in any boxes lol i'll send you when i find them! if you want lol
oh im so glad that you like those styles! haha hey why dont you come here? you'll like it for sure!!xD
i wanna get my tragus and tongue pierced:) i took out my nose piercing few months ago. and still have my bellybutton and ears pierced:))) what about you??
inactive user
I checked link of your city:)!!!thx♥
I see, your city is far from Duisburg><
I wish It would near from there!!!
wow you take train 10hour more???:o
Very long time!!
You know I can go to Germany 13hour for take air plane;)!!!!
Just 3hour more then you can arrive Japan XDhaha

awww♥Thanks a lot!!!!! x9
I didn't know that Dusseldorf had center of Japanese cultures:o
I'm sure I would go to there!!!!!^^
And My friend told me about Purikura's place:9
I'll take Purikura in Germany----♥♥yeah!!x9

Oh you like mochi??:9
Then I would bring mochi with me when I go to there:Dhaha
Because I'm really don't know what is favor Japanese food for his family:Dhaha
How to eat mochi when you got them??

Wow sounds good!!!
What is Bubble tea??
It's normal tea on the milk bubble???
I wanna drink it♥yumm
inactive user
Same job girls use this site of cloths--->
This site's name is Yume tenbou.
And you send me link of Yumetenbou--->
They are same site of company^^

Wow I can image how much u were sad:-/
And It's little bad situation that you can't read well n u need write ur credit card number:[
When I buy at Yume tenbou, I need registering like a Rakuten^^
But you send me shop of galstar n Yumetenbou were Rakuten's shop, Because you need registering at Rakuten, then you can buy everything what you want at Rakuten's shop:)

Oh my gosh!!!><
Your city is where?
I'll stay my boyfriends house:3
He live in Duisburg Because of it what I stay there:S
I want go to other city or other place but I don't know yet where will we go or what will we do:Phehe
inactive user
I use Yume-tenbou too;)
Same job girls use This site's wear a lot:Dhaha
cheap and cute because we can buy alot^^

awww I see:(
I check out those site and there have not Germany's language..
It's no good:3
When I use Rakuten then we need join for Rakuten's member.
After click of buy button.
Then you write your address and phone number or name, after choose how to pay.
Then it's all clear^^

Wow really??
I can't believe that Japanese docent used to be a lolita:Dhahaha
cool docent :9hehe

I'll travel at Duisbrug:)
December 16, I arrive at Frankfurt air port^^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 30, 2011
ur welcome :)
inactive user
Hello, name is Alex.
From the US (El Paso, Texas)
I'm a gamer myself ( my first system was a Sega then I when I was 7 I went Gameboy Pokemon crazy).
Then I grew out of it but now I have 360, have you played that system before?
inactive user
I think so^^
If they had some complex about face, then they can't enjoy a life.
It's not good:[
If it's really problems for her then I don't care about surgery.
But I'll don't get them, because my parents gave to me my face;)
Girls had make up way^^
It's like a magic:9
I love make up----♥

It's same with me!!!!!;)
I bought expensive cloths before, But I don't wear them after 1year or 2 year...
It was so expensive but fashion trend is changing a year.
My thinking about fashion, cheep but cool, cheap but not looks like a cheap;)
I can get cloths alot with same money to buy brand cloth^^

I can tell u webside of my favorite^^
Nowadays almost fashion magazine use this site's cloths:)
And very cheap^^
One of them, you can buy, but I guess u need translation:[

This is cheap but cute cloths but this site don't sell for other country:[
But you can check it^^

Oh I know!!!
In Japan have goth n Lolita fashion^^
My friends was this kind of style when she was high school:3
There cloths is very very expensive:9
I'm really interesting about Germany's fashion^^
I'll go to Germany this December, Because I would shopping♥
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