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Liandra Intan, 36 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 119.
inactive user
I haven't used them much so I was definitely wondering about it. Facebook has gotten some bad press in my country though
inactive user
Some say Facebook is taking over, becoming the most used social network forum. Do you notice it? I ask as I see you use several portals.
inactive user
I am here to say "Hi" for you..
if you interested we can go on more...
waiting for yours reply..
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2008
Yes, I live quite near to Tatry, about 2 hours driving by car :) But do not often go there. Are cities here croweded? Well, hard to say really, We only two cities that has around 1 mln citizens and rest is rather smaller, which is good I think, because I don`t like crowdy places :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 12, 2008
In portuguse we write Brasil but in english they write Brazil.

Yes, in fact its the only language we speak here, we can find other languages like indian languages in tribes or spanish in the borders, but they are very little spoken.

Oh, I did hear of the portuguese presence on Timor but I din't know how much of it they ocupied in Indonesia, I do know they have been everywhere at that time :)

I am a great fan of criptids(misterious animals) and I heard that in Sumatra there is one called "orang pendek", its very close to where you live, have you ever heard of it?
inactive user
Hey, I'm fine.
What about you? =)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 6, 2008
weeeeeeeeei ciao:)i'm happy u're in holiday:)good for u:)now finally u can do all u might not do during ur work year:/
i'm fine thanks:)what will u do as first thing??:)yes it's faster:P:D;)
inactive user
hi im good but sick how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 5, 2008
Well, the subway stations here are fine but the buss stations are awfull, full of beggar too :P

In portuguese we write Brasil, but the "s" sounds like "z" on the pronunciation.

Quebec is the french province in Canada, it's near New York.
inactive user
Yes I did go to Europe it was amazing!! In Paris me and my friends had a whole bunch of gypsy's following us around.... :D
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