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Andrew, 29 y.o.
Lviv, Ukraine [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 10 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 25, 2014 - Game Giveaway with PewDiepie.
inactive user
inactive user
that sounds sad
are there many people planing to leave Ukraine ?
people here say it is mostly caused by the usa and russia,is this correct?
inactive user
hi,how is your city now?
inactive user
Yep,not flower but sunflowerssss.:DDD
inactive user
It's only me …I'm Melon and I do have sunflowers.:3
Reply - Conversation - May 23, 2014
Oh, nice to hear that:) me the same
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2014
Oh, there are not bad nations, there are cruel people. Everywhere in every country you can meet kind and tolerant people, but in ones more, in other less. Just all defends of person.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 30, 2010
aw :( i'm sure you'll enjoy college :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2010
hello :] how are you?
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