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Amber, 32 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]


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Postal pen pals

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 806.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 4, 2016
Sorry I just realised I posted this on my own profile so you may not have seen it haha.

Oh cool, so what exactly does that mean for you? Im a bit lacking in the knowledge of the animal signs other than knowing I'm a Dragon lol.

It was very good, was nice and cool there compaired to here at the moment lol. I spent a little to much money, bought so many different gifts for people ect. Not that much for myself. But first day back in Aus and now I broke my work phone so a bit in lucky this year as my personal phone is also broken before I left to HK.

What have you been up to?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2016
I just got back from a 3 week trip to Hong Kong and like the weather at this time of year, then come back to AUS and tomorrow is meant to be 37deg

I am a Dragon, nothing to special just a few drinks with friends. How about you? What sign are you?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 2, 2016
Haha that's okay I was late to reply first :)

Looking at some images from google it looks like a nice place, still lots of nature around and not full of sky scrapers ect.

Happy New Years to you also, hope you had a good Christmas also. Yes it has been pretty hot, I have been spending my last few days out in the front yard landscaping so have really been feeling the heat. I assume its been quite hot there also?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 15, 2015
Now I feel really bad I didn't reply. I log into this site on my phone so I don't scroll this far down normally. I am very sorry.

Haha I don't believe that you haven't lol, which province are you from? I assume you where not very close to Beijing then?

Yes was the first time I went to China, went to Shanghai and Ningbo also
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2015
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2015
Ha maybe I should have looked at your profile first :S

Asking a person from China if they have been to China haha.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2015
It is pretty good, very friendly people also. I don't normally like big cities as I enjoy life in Canberra but it was a really good place to go but I went during winter and it was snowing so it was pretty cool to experience.

Have you been before?
inactive user
Hi!Lala here!
How are you?
Where have you been?
inactive user
Thank you very much:)
Reply - Conversation - May 3, 2013
everything ok :D Today is a fest in Poland so I am staying at home. The weather is fantastic ! How are you? :))
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