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Alfred, 39 y.o.
San Jose, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 266.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2011
HAHA!! I also haven't use it for a long time. I tell you a bad a piece of bad news . I didn't pass the English test : GEPT in Taiwan. =(((( Both of writing and oral test. I'm so helpless. QQ
And how are you in these days? =)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2011
hey We haven't contact for a long time!!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 1, 2011
hey!! i'm busy for the college entrance examination before.
inactive user
haha nothing.... :'''D
Oh I got a job from the university, I'll be the handyman. XDD I do all kind of things what others don't have time to do. :'D fine by me as long as I get the money. hehe. I hope you get a job too~
Wooaah cool, ganbatte! then, loll. XDD but hey that sounds fun. :)
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2011
hey :D
inactive user
ahahhah silly you :D
inactive user
ahahn thanks! XD
Yeah, my cousin gets married and then just hanging out w/ friends and family and I got a job too! :)
are you having big plans for summer?
inactive user
hi, yeah I've been kinda dead here too... :'D too busy.
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2011
I'm so jealous that you got to meet them! My friend lives in Japan and she's met all these stars and I'm like that's sooo unfair. I also have a friend who was best friends with Anza from the Seera myu days (yes, I've been into Japanese stuff forever *sigh* I'm old).

My favorite is Morning Musume back in the realllly old days, cuz Nakazawa Yuko is my favorite. I know she went solo pretty fast but idk. I also like Kusumi :) So you see, I'm old school. Tell me about your favs!

I wanna work with music somehow. My piano teacher told me about an edumacation a while ago that sounds like lots of fun; you use the piano to help autistic and mentally retarded people learn new things. Like, when they do something right they get a signal from the piano. It's supposed to be really helpful. I think it was two years of College, but I'm not sure.

What education are you doing? Do you have a job too? Over the summer and stuff? I'm gonna be Sweden bound for the summer; maybe fly over to England or something but nothing big. I'm savin up for my trip to Hawaii in October. I LOVE travelling and I have family in the US and Thailand as well so I like to go and stay with them. I've also travelled across Europe for fun, and in March I went to Spain for a vacay. What about you? Do you travel alot?

<3 K.
inactive user
Tired. Jovial. Those are the two words that come to mind.
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