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Adryjan, 37 y.o.
Minsk, Belarus [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
Hi, how are you?
inactive user

[It´s funny that you love Mylene Farmer, onr of our french most well known... and really discussed singer!]

Do you study something? Or do you work?
inactive user
Then, may it succeed :)
inactive user
Lacrimas profundere... It´s kinda funny, i though about this band (amid some others) while seing your beautiful picture.

I hope things are getting fine for you, even if you seem to live in a ´bad´ country background.

- April.
inactive user
Thank you ! tough? Ow ok x)
inactive user
Hey, you have good taste :P "underworld", "requiem for a dream" and also about music...
I like your picture ! actually I love your coat !
Nice profile :)
inactive user
Hello,my name is shinnichi and from JAPAN.
Are you interested in JAPAN?
I am working on the internet and mainy sell Japanese books.
inactive user
As far as I know this kind of beasts, they probably ate bones too.
inactive user
Today, I've watched Polish TV number 1 (TVP 1). They claimed that Lukaschenko attacked and bit to death personally last Belorussian bear. I'm afraid what will happen with its meat since there's no snow....
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