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Zrodfects, 49 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 452.
inactive user
inactive user
Long time no chat :)
I'm pretty good now but so much stress.
How about you?
inactive user
thanks for your comment on my photo. It made me laugh! XD
Reply - Conversation - Mar 12, 2011
Thank you for your writing!!
I'm fine.
But I felt a fear when I watched the NEWS on TV.....
Reply - Conversation - Mar 11, 2011
i'm ok.
but city is bad... x((
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2011
hello handsome guy,it's been a long time.
it's winter vacation here,people here are busy celebrating Chinese New Year.The BEST

part for me is receiving red envelopes!! hahahh...what dreat days (:

I'm satisfied with everything but my height.I'm 153 cm (about 5''0.2)
what your ideal height for women?

I had been dying to watch the most fantastic movie "TITANIC" since I was little.
I downloaded it on the internet and started to watch(on the Chinese new year eve) when

the plot was about to came to end, I couldn't help but tears drop. I've been crying

whenever the story comes to mind since the's so touching ...

how are you?how's your life been going ?
I haven't heard from you for months,miss you :">>
tell me about everything!
Have a good month! wish you happy everyday(:
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21, 2010
hello, it's been a long time....

senior life is kinda different from junior high's more interesting and exciting
(more hot guys by the way LOL)

hey, I'm planing to change my english name....because "Stephanie " has been uesd by many people( Chinese like me dont like to share the same name with other people,that's the difference between westen and asian), i want a new, special one
what do you think about "CarolHanna"?? i need a spanish neme ,too. could you give me any help & advice??

thanks and have a good day :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2010
Hope you can come back taiwan again and have a good time in Taiwan.
take care,too!!:D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2010
i think so.
tought i want to develop a career in dress designing (learning french is better at this part),I'll learn spanish first...

i want to go to Australia someday !!! but i'm afraid of prejudice's a very serious problem ,isn't it?

LOL .... when will you finish setting stuff for your house?

thanks for telling me these !! i'm ganna practice my english harder,then Spanish will be easier to me...

have a good day, mate (:
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2010
I’m Sorry for the late reply, recently, I prepared a TOEIC test and finished it yesterday. We must get score over 750 or failure to graduate.
That's OK,I don't care about it,I also often surf people's profile but forgot to leave message.^^
YES!!Taiwan is very good,you lives a GREAT city!Taipei is convenience but I live in Hualien for studying now,thare are very barutiful,have u been to here?
people are shy...haha,maybe we are always afraid to talk with foreigners when we face them
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