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Kim Ki-ho, 39 y.o.
Ansan-si, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 53.
inactive user
i'm not really truly japanese american, i'm more than that :P
inactive user
annyon :D
nice to know you too.
inactive user
Heyyy :) i'm prettyy good haha just trying to enjoy my life in korea :)hehe U?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 16, 2010
Hi ^^

nice to meet you
inactive user
my name is ninie from malaysia....
i view ur profile just now....
so just want to ask...which university that u attend?
i just want to get some information from you about korean university if you dont mind...
inactive user
hey hey broooo, finally we are friend xP
inactive user
Hi, nice to meet you, too. :)
How are you?
inactive user
im going to visit Singapore or Malaysia this summer.. hopefully! =D
omg! i heard Super Junior's having a concert in Malaysia in March!!! omg!! if only it could be this summer i could actually attend it!!!!! im full of sorrow!! =( feel like crying! its such bad luck! i really REALLY wanna goto a Super Junior concert before i die! lol..
are u into kpop?
u know, some koreans are not into kpop! i mean, how can you NOT be into kpop? kpop is the best! if only i could understand it!

ooh btw, im 17! =)
it was my bday yesturday!
how do u say bday in korean? saeng il? cos you know how u say saeng il chuka habnida...

take care! dont catch a cold! hehe.. brrrrr.... im so cold! its freezing even thought the heat is on! =@

inactive user
long time no talk! mianhae!
im really hating my life right now. Since the first day of grade 11, all we have been doing is STUDY! there is just so much and so many tests! it really really stresses me out! + im really worried about my university.. i have no idea where im gonna go! my mom wants me to stay here but there's no way im gonna. i hate being in this position! =(
anyway, its getting reaaallly cold here! it was 16*C yesturday! it was freezing! NOW we feel the winter huh? ^^ lol..
since 5 is 'warm' in korea, i guess 16 is boiling hot! lol.. wow so its really cold huh? thats why in kdramas i always see them with coats and scarves and gloves.. always.. well ,mostly..
-15!!!!! in Ansan!!! how do u survive??!?!! woah!! =0
ohh yea.. ive heard of that.. the two year military service! oh so u are done with your service.. thats good. ur now free! =) i heard, kim tae woo (the old band G.O.D's member) also finished his service.. and then releases 'sarang bi' .. how was the military service? really tough? like, what do you do?
haha.. same here.. i wanna have enough money so i wont have to depend on my husband.. lol. so i can be independant! hehe..
yes! i heard about 'pasta' on arirang.. is it a good show? have u tried watching it?
lost is a good show but i stopped watching it after season 3.. it just gets annoying afterwards.. also because im not able to keep up with the shows on air.. so i watch Gossip Girl..
hopefully u'll get a visa!
have u ever been to japan before? since its so near to ur country..
guess what! i heard they may allow ladies to drive here!!!! yay!! somewhere around march.. =) im so happy!
they were going to allow a few years ago, actually.. but when they tested it in Riyadh (the capital city) the girl who was driving got chased by some really nasty guys so she went off the road on a highway and crashed and died and so thats why they delayed it.. but i guess they might this time.. =]
Me? im going to vis
inactive user
my friend has this debate tomorrow.. and im gonna be absent since im so tired after the long dance practice we had at my friends house.. im gonna sleep all day tomorrow.. cos i have nothing important tomorrow.. its all free.. but my friend wants me to come and see the boring debate.. in which i have absolutely NO interest.. she'll be pretty mad once she finds out i am absent.. lol.. ^^
so wat are ur plans for the summer of 2010? going somewhere?

ooh.. yea.. my email's [email protected]
ill add you..=D

take care! =D
+ could you tell me how you say 'take care' in korean? gomapseubnida!
++ i just realized that my old message that i sent to you before this one had gotten cut! ^^ what the hell! i didnt realized until now! arggg!
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