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Raúl, 33 y.o.


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 330.
inactive user
Well I just came home from the biggest hiphop/reggaeton festival in Finland and I ain't feeling as high as I there now haha :DD What about u?
inactive user
I'm good, you?
inactive user
Sorry to hear that.

Pretty much, yes!
inactive user
Why are you sad then?

It's quite early, yes haha.
inactive user
I'm.. being bored! And you?
inactive user
Haha, all right I get it. Thank you!
inactive user
You never know! What if you were some sort of prick and wanted to have a laugh?
inactive user
Because I wasn't sure wether it was a compliment or not.
inactive user
I'm quite tired. How are you?
inactive user
..thank you?
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