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Kim, 36 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]


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Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
inactive user
I remember the first time I saw a Korean drama, most of the characters resembled each other. I cost much, begin to recognize small differences between them.

As you well say, everyone seems to family, because that homogeneity that have. Is that the Korean people, is very proud that homogeneity. But that is a small problem, if one is susceptible to a disease, all are.

As I watched more movies and dramas from Korea, Japan, China, Thailand and the Philippines. I learned to recognize very well the differences they have, people from those countries.

Ah... be sure to mention the very good part of homogeneity (at least for my). If a girlfriend would lose, insurance it would find its twin or a very similar (lol).

Mmm... Not so, here, they say all Asians are from China. It doesn't matter that country is. Here, they are all from China. It is a big mistake, but it is so.
inactive user
Hola Yunie.

It is true, in Latin America there are more diversity (ethnic mix) than in any other part of the world. The majority of countries are formed offspring of immigrants.

Which, mingled among themselves and with the indigenous inhabitants of the continent. What they produced, the Latin breed (lol).

I am an example of that, I have ancestors with origin in France, Spain, Italy and some Arab country (by the invasion of the Iberian peninsula by the Muslims in the year 8th century) and also a component of indigenous origin (inca, Mayan or Aztec).

What gives, a variation in the shape of the face, the color of skin, eyes, hair, beard, size, physical build, etc.

But in Brazil the variation is much more surprising, where he is added, the black race and Asian (in Brazil is the largest community of Japanese descendants).
Reply - Conversation - Jan 19, 2015
In order to enter this page, I'm using my computer not my phone. Please understand me for replying back late. Thanks. :)
inactive user
Hola Yunie.

When I look at the picture of your boyfriend, this drama came to mind.

Your also you look like a Korean actress, but I guess it is because you (the Koreans) are very homogeneous, physically.

I am very much surprised, when I see from the site girls, that look like sisters or cousins, by the great similarity that have with each other.

On this side of the ocean, we are all different. Even within the same family, we have different colors of eyes and hair (we are a cocktail of DNA).
Reply - Conversation - Dec 28, 2014
hello beautiful i am interested in knowing you
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2014 are you?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2014
attention please: this is will from china calling, please smile and say cheese
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2014
안녕하세요! 록키 입니다... 반갑습니다! Looking forward to be friends with you! I would really love to help you :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 26, 2014
HI :)
inactive user
Merry Christmas.
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