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Yukappa, 56 y.o.
Musashino, Japan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 12, 2022
Japan, a beautiful country yet to be discovered by European tourists.
inactive user
"Le seul veritable voyage n'est pas d'aller vers d'autres pays mais d'avoir d'autres yeux." complétement vrai !
inactive user
こんにちは !

A big hello from France,

A quote in french ? do you speak it ?

Have a nice day :o)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 8, 2010
Hey Yuka, of course i did enjoy my weekend, what about you? Glad to hear you're happy, hope the snow is not much? Here, the weather is cold due to harmattan ( a weather condition after dry season). Do u have kids? How are u preparing 4 xmas? Take care
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2010
Hey Yuka, i'm doing just fine and thanks for asking. So u're now having snow, just make sure u dont get too cold ok. Merry xmas in advance. Take care.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 3, 2010
Hey Yuka, i'm doing great. So u now have snow, take care of urself and dont get too cold ok. Merry xmas in advance.
inactive user
Konnichi wa Yukappa,

unbelievable, someone still knows that great old movie... Seven Samurai

Wish you a wonderful day :)

Onna Bugeisha
(more the peaceful, inner warrior - even I practice Shotokan)
inactive user
I lived there from 1970 to 1974. I had so much fun living in Tokyo.
inactive user
Wow! Chofu, Japan!

I used to live at a military housing area called Kanto Mura....right by Chofu airport. It's all gone now. We had two train stations nearby. Tobitakyu on the Keio line and out the back gate was Tamabochimae. Nippon wa hisashi buri desu ne!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 24, 2010
Hey Yuka, how are you? Its always good to take some time off to get some rest. Hope u did'nt take much of the alcohol? Take care
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