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Valeria, 25 y.o.
Kramatorsk, Ukraine [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


Bachelor's degree
Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages


English teacher

Relationship status


Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
inactive user
Can we talk? Just looking for a friend to talk.
inactive user
hi)) we can be friends?
I am looking for a person who has learned English and can tell the secrets to overcoming this difficult path))
Reply - Conversation - Mar 6, 2020
Hello nice to meet you
inactive user
come on don´t be so shy I am sure you can answer it!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 6, 2020
Could you suggest me any nice Ukrainian movie? The last I watched was Плем'я.
Have you ever read Двена́дцать сту́льев?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 10, 2020
Reply - Conversation - Jan 4, 2020
Hi, Valerie! Thanks for visiting my profile, you seem a quite interesting person, and my first question is, how did you already became a teacher/tutor? Like, I know it is possible, but not usual at your age. ****, even at mine is not that usual.

I know there are many more, but I think you are the first Ukranian person at interpals who seems to be more fluent in Ukranian than in Russian :D

Which kind of philology you want to learn? Ukranian, Russian, French, English? I am just curious.

Btw, about your music tastes, I also generally like everything, but regarding rap and hard rock.. I mean, the problem is not rap itself, but rather certain styles of rap like gangsta rap which just talk about fighting, insulting people, and.... swear. About hard rock, just curious, what do you not like about it? It is quite Good when one wants to rage because something, it calms you :D

And, I will end my first message with a quote of a catalan language writer from València.

"There are people who do not like that we speak, write, or think in Catalan. It is exactly the same people who does not like people in general to speak, write, or think".

What do you think? Hope we can be pals ;)
inactive user
hi Valerie :) Can we be friend ?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 28, 2019
hello there
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2019
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