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Samantha, 36 y.o.
Manchester, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2012
deftones, awesome
Pianos become the teeth, awesome (i saw them monday night)
Touche Amore, AWESOME! (i saw them monday night too)
Lydia, they are good,
Tigers Jaw, are freakin sweet!
Tyler the Creator, Genius - Yonkers (Y)
Man Overboard, are good
Devil Sold His Soul, seen them live 4 times, they are epic!
Brand New, Oh my days where to i start!!!! seen them live a few times too,

you got good taste in music,

Im joe by the way
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2011
I'm checking out the new record from SBTRKT - i'm digging it pretty well - a little flat, but there are good tunes
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2011
That sounds pretty great - what are you listening to? I'm listening to music as well, and writing some emails off :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2011
Hey there! How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 21, 2011
Hey, how's it going?
Love your music taste, saw Deafheaven here in the states a little while ago, incredible! You heard of your countrymen's band, Caina? In that same deafheaven, post black metal feel
inactive user
Sweet. Most of the harder stuff isn't my forte anymore, but I still respect real talent in any genre. Cept maybe country.
inactive user
Hey :)
I haven't heard of most of yours, which is unusual!
What genre's are you into?
inactive user
That's good ! and fun fun haha. My night is going alright just doing my homework :(
inactive user
Hi ! How are you ? Sorry for late reply I was away and forgot to sign off :S
inactive user
*High five*
Lots of people don't like mushrooms, but lots of people are fools :p
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