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WII, 27 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
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Joined 7 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
inactive user
Well , I Got to be different ;) so ,why not post a funny tooth picture hahaha
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2018
Androp feat. Aimer - Memento mori
and yours?
inactive user
Hmmm I was quite a big fan of giriboy and vasco✨Oh and I really liked Bobby!! Who are your favourites?
I also like to watch unpretty rap star sometimes😊
inactive user
Yes I love it😊I watched season 3 and then became obsessed with it😂✨
Reply - Conversation - Jun 9, 2017
Привет! Я тоже обожаю песни Aimer
inactive user
Thank you! I am mostly into illustrations! :-) I want to improve on my art skills in order to make a portfolio, and go to an art school. I have finished college a few years ago, but I studied international business. I am not happy what I have majored... :( I think studying art will make me more happier. Really? Only rock music is the foundation of everything. :D There are many rock songs that have acoustic such as "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin, "A Horse with No Name" by America, "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas. :-)
inactive user
Yes, I believe that learning many instruments could be hard, and a challenge. Really? That is really cool!! You should definitely learn how to play the guitar if you like rock music. :-) No, I wished that I majored in music, but I did not. :( At this moment, I am into art. :-)
inactive user
I see that you love music! ^^ It is really nice and cool that you love to play the piano and percussion. As for me, I would like to learn how to play various instruments in the future. Only taking music classes in the U.S. can be a bit expensive. :( I would really love to play the electric guitar ( I like rock music), bass guitar, cello, shamisen, and sitar! ^^
inactive user
Thank you for the message! :) I am really happy to meet you Sung-eun! Hehehe Yes, learning a new language can be fun, but complicated as well. :-)
inactive user
Hello, my name is Diana. I am from Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. It is nice to meet you! You are interested in learning many languages! :D That is really great! I also want to learn various languages, such as Portuguese, and Chinese. I strongly believe that learning more than one language can open you the doors of many opportunities. :)
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